LE BARO Romain


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Quarkus Extension Synthetic Build Item

In the previous post on the AdditionalBeanBuildItem, we discussed how to reference a bean with the ARC dependency manager. While useful, there are cases where you need the manager to inject a specific instance of a pre-configured bean. Since AdditionalBeanBuildItem only accepts a bean class as a parameter, it cannot be used for this purpose. This is where the SyntheticBeanBuildItem comes into play. Use Case Imagine your extension needs to provide a configuration as an injectable bean to communicate with a third-party API.

Quarkus Extension Additional Application Archive Marker Build Item

In the previous post about the AdditionalBeanBuildItem, we saw how to reference a bean in the ARC dependency manager. This is very convenient, but in some cases, we want the manager to inject a specific instance of an already configured bean. Since AdditionalBeanBuildItem only takes a bean class as a parameter, it can’t be used for this. This is where SyntheticBeanBuildItem comes in. Use Case Imagine your extension wants to provide a configuration as an injectable bean to communicate with a third-party API.

Quarkus Extension - Additional Bean Build Item

After discussing the ApplicationIndexBuildItem and CombinedIndexBuildItem, let’s continue exploring Quarkus build items with the AdditionalBeanBuildItem. This build item is part of the configuration items for the Arc library , which handles dependency injection in Quarkus. Quarkus and Dependency Injection Quarkus heavily relies on dependency injection, allowing for loose coupling between different objects in a Quarkus application. Quarkus uses a library called Arc that automatically scans the application’s classpath and references all classes declared as beans (e.

Quarkus Extension - Index Build Item

Quarkus has a very powerful extension system based on the concept of BuildItem. Each BuildItem allows you to configure an extension in a specific way. However, the documentation for these BuildItems is very incomplete. Among the hundreds of BuildItems that exist, I propose to study two of them in this post. Let’s focus on ApplicationIndexBuildItem and CombinedIndexBuildItem. A Story of Jandex Quarkus needs to gather information about the application at build time.